Google Sniper

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Make Money With Social Media..

Here is a short video by Don Crowther. I really recommend what he is saying. Its only a coulple of minutes long. Check it out. Remember - Action, Persistence & Learning mean inevitable success!

Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Multiple Accounts on Twitter

Most people using Twitter only have one account. They assume that further accounts are not allowed by the Twitter rules. To a certain degree they are right but it is possible to open multiple twitter accounts without having them banned or taken down.

So why would anyone require more than one Twitter account? Firstly because Twitter limits the speed at which you can actively grow your Followers, you may have a desire to increase the number of Followers by opening second and third accounts. In fact if you study twitter carefully you will see that a number of internet marketers have many more accounts than this, often, I've heard into the tens or even hundreds!

If you try this it is likely you'll get banned or eventually lose the accounts. A great deal of care is taken by these people in initially establishing different names, aliases, different bios and often different websites so there is apparently no link to the accounts at all even though they are operating in the same niche. 

Under these circumstances Twitter will still eventually catch them because in order to service a large number of accounts it is likely that these marketers are using automatic programs for adding followers or flushing unresponsive followers. It is also likely that these accounts have unrealistic numbers of tweets, indicating that even the tweeting is fully automated. These are all clues which the people at Twitter notice. 

One of the easiest links for them to make is through the internet marketers IP address. This can also be overcome by using VPNs or Identity Cloaking devices where different IP addresses are used by the software.

The second reason, not frowned upon by Twitter is that you need a second account as you wish to operate in an entirely unrelated niche, which would not be of interest to your current following who are following you because of things they have in common with you. Although in this circumstance you will need to create a new nickname and provide a separate email address, you need not alter your real name or you bio, you may be relieved to learn.

Monday, 28 November 2011

How does an internet business work?

So what exactly is an online business? This is obviously very important to grasp and not necessarily that clear. The idea of making money online sounds like a great idea and we know it is possible because we see and hear about others who are doing very well. So what is actually happening? We hear about affiliate commissions and traffic and a database of subscribers but what are the factors that bring all this together? I thought it might be helpful to get a clear insight into what we are trying to achieve and how we go about it.

Our aim, initially, having chosen a niche market is to look at our online business like a high street business. We are looking to solve problems for people with either a product or a service and get paid as a result. On the high street we aim to get people through the door with the aid of our shop front and various marketing strategies; we then help them once they have engaged with us. It is the same with an online business but instead of physically having them in our presence we invite them to subscribe with us so we can build a long term relationship to continually offer value and service.

We are aiming to use Social Media to find people who have specific problems or needs and then drive them to us so they can benefit from our products. We will be using Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and LinkedIn. We will also be using Google because through Social Media we will become a dominant presence.

Once we have generated the traffic we then invite them to our squeeze page or an optin. A what?! This is a website with just one page that usually offers some free products or invites people to leave their details in the boxes. An optin or squeeze page is very easy to create and I can help you to do this. It includes a YouTube video. Here is mine as an example –

This in turn will then build our database of subscribers and this is the main objective. Getting people through the door. In return for continuing to provide value and great products, our database will provide us with a consistent monthly income.

A website or a blog similar to this will be our shop front. From here we can sell products and offer help and advice in our particular niche or market and also create another chance for people to leave their name and email. Once we begin to build a database of subscribers we will need somewhere to not only store them but also to enable us to communicate via email. This will be using an auto responder such as GetResponse which is free for our first 100 people and responds automatically to people as they join our list.

All of the above is a system we use to drive traffic to our business and what I have described so far is all of very minimal cost. The final step is to then sell our products and services. If we don’t have our own products we can sell other peoples products and get a commission on the sales. Digital market places such as Clickbank offer a wide range of products in all niches and is easy to use.

So as a simple overview this is in essence what we are trying to create. I hope this is helpful and I look forward to any questions or comments you have. 

Action, learning and persistence equals success!  

Saturday, 26 November 2011

Get paid to Tweet! Easy Twitter Money....

Hi Everyone,

I wanted to share with you this great way to make money using Twitter. It is easy to set up and easy to work with. Macboy explains all! Check it out now...

Here is the link to the video on YouTube -

To your success!

Willow McIntosh

Monday, 21 November 2011

Choosing Your Niche...

The first thing to consider when starting with your online business is choosing your niche.
Your niche is a particular market or interest. For example weight loss, how to make money on the internet, how to trade the stock market or personal development. There are many different niches to choose from and even ones to be created! But there a few important factors to bear in mind.

The most important aspect however, is to find a niche that you are excited and passionate about. This will mean you will be inspired to add value to your customers and it will keep you motivated through difficult times in your business. Is there a need you can satisfy in terms of your customers that you feel moved to provide?
You will be making sales in your market of course and to be an effective salesperson you must believe in your product otherwise this will come across in your attitude towards the people buying from you. You will also have a natural ability to identify who will be buying and how to find them.

Do you have good knowledge or experience within a certain field? Perhaps you are up to date with the current affairs and products in a particular industry? Remember it can be anything from gardening to horse riding equipment.

It is also good to make a list of potential niches that are of interest to you. This is because not only do you need to be interested but there also needs to be demand for your product or service. So some market research will help you enormously to establish what other competitors are doing and how you will be able to position yourself.  Is there anything that you can do perhaps that others are not offering? Can you do something cheaper or more effectively?  

Take the time to choose your niche carefully and once you get going based on an informed decision stick to it. Keep going until you have built it up and made good money before you consider branching out to another. The common mistake people make starting out in the internet business is to see a possible opportunity to make easy money elsewhere and swap. Keep focussed, keep persisting and you will succeed. The aim will be to become an expert in your chosen field so people will come back to you over and over again.

If you haven’t downloaded my four free EBooks to help you get started making money online just fill in the boxes underneath ‘Get Started!’ I am always sending out new tips and training and I would love to hear from you!

To your success,

Willow McIntosh :-)

Sunday, 20 November 2011

Make Hay Whilst The Sun Shines!

Having spent the day today with the King & Queen of Social Media, Paul O’Mahoney & Milli Ponce. I am so excited to have come away with the most up to date information on how to make money online today. Social media is constantly evolving. Strategy changes all the time.  But what is so clear is how prominent it is today as not only the most effective way to network, market a product or business but an incredible way to build a list and make money.

Social Media is a medium to reach a very targeted audience very quickly and it’s free. Word of mouth has always been the fastest way to sell a product and Social Media is a medium to do just that. We were discussing today how Google never ranks a site at even close to 10/10 apart from itself but will rank Twitter & Facebook at 9/10. When we put a website on line the Google spiders will go in to take a snapshot to continually improve relevance for people searching online. They will then come back in 12 hours to see if the site has changed; to see if its content has become more relevant.

If the site is regularly updated they will come back in faster and faster succession. If there is no change it will do the opposite and reduce how often it comes back. Well Twitter and Facebook are continually changing. Twitter changes to such an extent so quickly they are now using it as a medium to trade by using software to track people’s reaction to the stock market. So Google loves it, it’s the most up to date source of information on every topic the world happens to be discussing.

So if you run a business from Google as I used to, to create traffic you will know how expensive it is. Well you can be at the top of Google now via Twitter & Facebook and Facebook pages are now quickly becoming the new websites. So how is this relevant to you? Well you are here to learn to make money online and it is the perfect time! We are sitting in a time when Twitter especially is literally a money making machine! Have you ever heard of the expression make hay whilst the sun shines? Well the sun is shining.

So how do you get started? First you need to start building Twitter accounts and I’m going to help you... Put your details in the boxes underneath ‘Get Started’ and you will immediately get 40 of the hottest tips out there across all four of the major Social Media sites – Twitter, Facebook, YouTube & LinkedIn. I will then start to get some step by step guides about getting going on Twitter and send them over to you... Here’s to making hay... :-)

Thursday, 17 November 2011

Don’t have the time for an online business? We’ll see...! Tip for the day :-)

Getting started with an online business with Social Media can seem like daunting task. There seems to be so much to get in place and so much to oversee. But like any other business or new venture it will take a little time to find your feet and really see how your focus has paid off. So what is your motivation for having a business online? What is it about it that interests you? For me, I love to network, I love sharing information and I love the freedom it creates for me. I also love the fact that I am in control, there is no one overseeing me yet I have a great network of support from like minded people who help to mentor me and guide me. In turn I find great pleasure in helping others get started as well. So how much time do you need to dedicate to this business? I have found a couple of hours a day can get you pretty far if you can keep it up. How much time do you spend watching TV in the evening? What time do you get up in the morning? I never really believe people who tell me they don’t have any time. If there was a suitcase with a million dollars buried in your garden and all you had to do was spend two hours a day working out a puzzle to find it, you would!

Here is today’s tip to get you started –

What niche would you like to work in online? Weight loss, online marketing, trading, maybe pets? Find out which niche interests you by writing a few down. One will jump out the page at you... Start to research online about your niche. Who are the big players? Is there an eBook you would like to write on the topic? I would love to hear how you are doing.

If you leave me your contact details on the right hand side of this site underneath 'Get Started' I will send across to you four free EBooks I have put together to help you get a good understanding of what working online with Social Media can offer. You will need a way to get good online exposure for your product or if you want to sell someone else’s for a commission. I look forward to hearing from you. All the best, Will McIntosh

Tuesday, 15 November 2011


Hey guys. Leave your details in the boxes to your right and I will send over to you Four FREE Ebooks on how to get started making money online today. With Social Media there is no outlay and you will be making money in a matter of days!! Here's to your success...

Saturday, 12 November 2011

Make Easy Money using Twitter - Money Making Ideas by Britt Malka

Make Easy Money using Twitter - Money Making Ideas  
Twitter is probably the hottest social medium on the web at the moment.
One of the secrets behind its popularity is that it's so simple to use. Theoretically, you just need to answer one question: "What's happening?"
You can use Twitter to keep in contact with friends and family; to make new acquaintances - and to make you some money.
How to make money with Twitter?
Well, the answer depends on how you like to work.
If you want money here and now - with little work - and you don't really care about relationships, then you should create a large number of accounts on Twitter, each within their own small niche.
Let's say that you choose World of Warcraft as your niche; then go further down to one of the two factions, horde or alliance - and go even further to one of the races, let's say a blood elf. You can narrow it down even further to take in a blood elf paladin, a blood elf rogue etc.
Then make an account for each of these small niches, and write a few tweets.
Start following people who share your interest and many will follow you reciprocally.
You need to post several tweets daily, but you can make this part easier by using a service like HootSuite or others that allow you to have several accounts open in one window, and with which you can post scheduled tweets.
Now, between your tweets of informal character, you can add sponsored tweets or links to affiliate products.
Several sites offer the possibilities of making money from sponsored tweets. Two of them are SponsoredTweets and TweetROI.
But you can also go ahead and script your own tweets for either affiliate products or your own.
Surprisingly, you don't need to have a big list of followers. If your tweets are interesting and intriguing, other people will be more likely to click on your ads, too.
For a long term relationship and money-making maximization, you should only create one main Twitter account, and only rarely sell something straight to your followers. Write interesting and informative tweets; create a rapport with your followers and, in the long run, you will find that they will frequent your blog or homepage. This is where you can do the selling.
You might find this more time eating, but it's also much more 'giving' in that you really do create new friends. You can also learn much from the people you follow, and you can connect with people who would normally be beyond your reach. 

by Britt Malka

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Amazing Twitter Software

Almost every twitter  marketer will tell you that you will need to have followers first before getting any traffic from twitter.

Well, that is very true to average twitter marketers. They follow other users in twitter and wish to follow them back, and then send offers. That  is a very time consuming process and gives very small result.

I want to introduce you a new twitter tool that is rapidly gaining popularity all over the internet not just because it can do everything you need to succeed in twitter but because of its capability to drive traffic from twitter to your website even if you have 0 followers.

It's called TweetAttacks, its still new and everyone seems to be going crazy about it.

<a href="">Twitter Marketing Software</a>

Are you still doing the old way of twitter marketing being doing by 99% of twitter marketers?

You've got to try this little wonder and say goodbye to being an average twitter marketer.

Happy tweeting!

Monday, 7 November 2011

Do you hate your job? Make money online in a niche you love...

I think it’s safe to say that we’ve all been in a situation at one point or another where we absolutely hate our job yet we have to stick with it. This happens to people more often than we imagine due to today’s economy. The lack of good jobs has forced many people to settle for something that they are over-qualified for or not interested in just to maintain some kind of income. If you are one of the many people that can’t stand your job then know that you are not alone. Don’t be afraid to send your resume out to different companies but I don’t recommend quitting your job until you have something else lined up and it is set in stone. So, what do you do in the meantime when you are stuck with your current job that makes you want to constantly rip out your hair due to pure hatred? Have you considered making money online? It is easier than you might imagine and there is a great deal of free information to get you started. This is a great way to feel like you are doing something about your situation and will make your time at work far easier if you know you are gradually replacing your income at home. Leave your details on this blog and I will send you four free Ebooks to help you get started. With only a couple of hours a day you can do it.

You can also give a few of these tips a try and bring back the happiness and satisfaction to your job.

First of all, remind yourself why you need this job and imagine what your life would be like if for some reason you lost it today. This technique often helps me stay motivated while I’m working. Start picturing your life without an income. Visualize everything you would have to give up if you weren’t making money. Imagine the devastation it would cause on your family. You could lose your car, your house, your spouse, everything. Picturing this will help you become thankful for your job which in return will generate a few happy feelings towards it.

Figure out what it is that you hate and make a plan to change it. Do you despise your job because it lacks a challenge? Do you dislike your boss or coworkers? Are you overwhelmed and have too much to do? Try to pinpoint exactly what it is about your job that makes your skin crawl and write it down.

Once you have figured this out, write down several things that you can do to make the situation better. If your job lacks challenge, let your boss know. Now, don’t go up to him and say that your job is so easy that a monkey without limbs could do it. Instead, offer to take on more responsibilities. If you dislike your boss or coworkers, try to determine the reason behind this. Are they too boring and dull? Are they rude? Anytime that I’ve had to deal with boring coworkers or a rude boss, I have found one word that always seems to bring cheer and happiness to the workplace. That one specific word is cake! Yep, you heard correct, bring cakes (or some type of tasty treat). Seriously, who doesn’t like a nice delicious surprise? Your coworkers will liven up and your boss will be happy. It’s a win-win situation.

Inject some positive thinking into your life. Instead of waking up each morning dreading the fact that you have to go to work, try tweaking your thoughts and turning them into positive ones. Also, print out these positive thoughts in advance and then grab one when you are really feeling low. Take it to work and tape it to your computer so you can be constantly inspired and motivated. It’s really amazing to see how much better things can get once you change your thoughts and outlook.

Despising your job can really turn your world upside down since most of us spend a lot of time at work. It doesn’t have to be that way though. If you make a conscious effort to follow these tips as often as you can then your job should improve (or at least become bearable). I help people find their purpose in life by following their heart. If you have an interest in making money from your own home online it can be using a niche or a topic you love. You don't need any capital to get going and I can help you to get started. Fill in your details and get your free ebooks today... What do you have to lose?