Getting started with an online business with Social Media can seem like daunting task. There seems to be so much to get in place and so much to oversee. But like any other business or new venture it will take a little time to find your feet and really see how your focus has paid off. So what is your motivation for having a business online? What is it about it that interests you? For me, I love to network, I love sharing information and I love the freedom it creates for me. I also love the fact that I am in control, there is no one overseeing me yet I have a great network of support from like minded people who help to mentor me and guide me. In turn I find great pleasure in helping others get started as well. So how much time do you need to dedicate to this business? I have found a couple of hours a day can get you pretty far if you can keep it up. How much time do you spend watching TV in the evening? What time do you get up in the morning? I never really believe people who tell me they don’t have any time. If there was a suitcase with a million dollars buried in your garden and all you had to do was spend two hours a day working out a puzzle to find it, you would!
Here is today’s tip to get you started –
What niche would you like to work in online? Weight loss, online marketing, trading, maybe pets? Find out which niche interests you by writing a few down. One will jump out the page at you... Start to research online about your niche. Who are the big players? Is there an eBook you would like to write on the topic? I would love to hear how you are doing.
If you leave me your contact details on the right hand side of this site underneath 'Get Started' I will send across to you four free EBooks I have put together to help you get a good understanding of what working online with Social Media can offer. You will need a way to get good online exposure for your product or if you want to sell someone else’s for a commission. I look forward to hearing from you. All the best, Will McIntosh
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