Google Sniper

Monday, 28 November 2011

How does an internet business work?

So what exactly is an online business? This is obviously very important to grasp and not necessarily that clear. The idea of making money online sounds like a great idea and we know it is possible because we see and hear about others who are doing very well. So what is actually happening? We hear about affiliate commissions and traffic and a database of subscribers but what are the factors that bring all this together? I thought it might be helpful to get a clear insight into what we are trying to achieve and how we go about it.

Our aim, initially, having chosen a niche market is to look at our online business like a high street business. We are looking to solve problems for people with either a product or a service and get paid as a result. On the high street we aim to get people through the door with the aid of our shop front and various marketing strategies; we then help them once they have engaged with us. It is the same with an online business but instead of physically having them in our presence we invite them to subscribe with us so we can build a long term relationship to continually offer value and service.

We are aiming to use Social Media to find people who have specific problems or needs and then drive them to us so they can benefit from our products. We will be using Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and LinkedIn. We will also be using Google because through Social Media we will become a dominant presence.

Once we have generated the traffic we then invite them to our squeeze page or an optin. A what?! This is a website with just one page that usually offers some free products or invites people to leave their details in the boxes. An optin or squeeze page is very easy to create and I can help you to do this. It includes a YouTube video. Here is mine as an example –

This in turn will then build our database of subscribers and this is the main objective. Getting people through the door. In return for continuing to provide value and great products, our database will provide us with a consistent monthly income.

A website or a blog similar to this will be our shop front. From here we can sell products and offer help and advice in our particular niche or market and also create another chance for people to leave their name and email. Once we begin to build a database of subscribers we will need somewhere to not only store them but also to enable us to communicate via email. This will be using an auto responder such as GetResponse which is free for our first 100 people and responds automatically to people as they join our list.

All of the above is a system we use to drive traffic to our business and what I have described so far is all of very minimal cost. The final step is to then sell our products and services. If we don’t have our own products we can sell other peoples products and get a commission on the sales. Digital market places such as Clickbank offer a wide range of products in all niches and is easy to use.

So as a simple overview this is in essence what we are trying to create. I hope this is helpful and I look forward to any questions or comments you have. 

Action, learning and persistence equals success!  

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